Reference Materials

There are two sections for entry: Junior section for S1-S3 (Year 7-9) and Senior section for S.4-S.6 (Year 10-13). This year, the theme for Junior section is “Do you prefer online education or classroom life? And why?” and for Senior section is “What is the impact of this global epidemic to you? Any lesson learned?” . Students are required to read the reference articles provided by publisher and write on the topic. We also encourage students to create a magazine cover which relate to their writing topic to develop their expression and creativity.

SessionTopicReference Articles
Junior “Should smartphones be allowed in school?” 

(please read the reference article and write on the topic in 400-600 words)

Being Smart with Smartphone Use

Senior“If you became a social media influencer, what would you post about?

(please read the reference article and write on the topic in 600-1000 words)

The Rise (and Fall?) of the Influencer

Reference materials (Creative Covers Award)

SessionMagazine Template

(Please download template to start your creative cover)
Reference example
JuniorDownload Template here
Senior Download Template here

With special thanks to reference source provider – LiveABC Interactive English Group

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