Suggested Reader Age 3-6 Yrs
An English magazine with fantastic story to share with your children.
Each issue contains 52 pages with:
An engaging and exciting 25-page story that young children will enjoy listening to, with rich, full-page illustrations
Animal and Science pages to encourage children’s curiosity and introduce them to scientific thinking
Comic: A picture-story about everyday life at the Lovett’s, with characters children will look forward to meeting each month
Number and letter skills practised through play
Poems from Judith Nicholls
There is so much to do together in every issue! Share quality time with your child with StoryBox. This high-quality, educational and fun magazine is especially designed for children aged 3 to 6 years old. Each issue features a book – length story to read aloud, always beautifully illustrated by top artists. This is followed by an introduction to science that answers children’s questions about the world, a section about animals, two lovely picture stories with heroes that children will love (SamSam and Polo), an illustrated poem, games… All this in a single issue!…
The whole family thinks it’s a great magazine. We previously have tried other magazines for kids but this is the best yet, it is something the whole family can get involved with. We get a great story to read together, the 2 comic strips, the differently themed activities every month, and it’s educational too in a fun way. There isn’t one part of it our daughter doesn’t enjoy and it’s advert free and feels great quality that will last forever which keeps me paying out of my wallet for it.» Mother of Lucia, 4, Ellesmere Port, UK
慶祝芥子園出版社 出版 第200期 Box 系列雜誌
【二零一六年一月二十二日 – 香港】 榮獲美國Parent Choice獎項 的英文兒童雜誌StoryBox、AdventureBox和DiscoveryBox 在2016 年1月發行了第200 期雜誌,創刊之今已 20年!
在1995年,英國出版了第一期的 StoryBox (適合3-6歲) 、AdventureBox (適合6-9歲) 和DiscoveryBox (適合9-12歲)。這高品質、具教育性及富有趣味的兒童雜誌,由倫敦團隊編輯,並由法國著名巴亞兒童出版社出版。獨一無二的BOX雜誌得到不同機構頒發項,更經常獲老師推薦並於課堂上使用。現時,Box雜誌的支持者遍佈全世界。亞洲地區的讀者每年也在增加。
Box雜誌的總編輯 Simona Sideri 說: 「在這20年裹,我們創作了許多引人入勝的故事和卡通,又向讀者傳遞世界各地有關動物、科學以及天文地理等的資訊!如今,我們已有第二代的讀者了! 以前的讀者,已為人父母和老師,他們繼續訂閱BOX雜誌給他們的孩子,正是我們堅持不懈的動力。」
From Sep 2018 issues onwards, Box magazines Glossary will not be printed. For FREE download of latest glossary, refer to
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